
The Award

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About the Award

Amidst a changing society, perhaps one needs to continously innovate to ‘stay relevant’, which in turn, delivers concepts and things of the future. Hence, to innovate, one needs to be visionary as well. If vision is to ‘think’ about creating something new, innovation usually signifies the ‘implementation’ of something new.

InnoVision Award, therefore, acknowledges the idea/concept and the exploration/execution coalescing into an innovative and visionary work. Such a work should be exciting by showing glimpses of a game-changing notion and at the same time, useful and responsive to the society at large.

The class of B.E. 1990/B.Arch 1991 celebrated their silver jubilee of passing out from B.E. College in 2015. Following the celebrations, they decided to institute a fund with the sole objective of ‘giving back to the college’. In the first phase, around Rs 13 lakh was raised from individual as well as corporate donations. It was decided to start InnoVision Awards for recognizing and encouraging innovation amongst the present undergraduate and postgraduate students including the Phd scholars.

To start with, two awards, each of Rs 50,000 will be given per year. Office of the Dean of Alumni Affairs and External relations of IIEST, Shibpur will manage the award process. More such awards may be added up in future. One award each to be given to the undergraduates and postgraduates/Phd scholars. The awards are competitive in nature and if suitable awardee is not found in one category, the award may be given to the other category of students.